A Comprehensive Guide to Sponsoring Your Child for Immigration to Canada

 The Family Class Sponsorship program enables families living in different countries to reunite and reside together in Canada. This program allows Canadian citizens and  endless  residers to bring their children from abroad to Canada as  endless  residers." in a better way.

   To be eligible to finance your child for coming to Canada, you must satisfy these conditions:   

1. Be 18 years of age or older.

2. Be a Canadian citizen, a  endless  occupant living in Canada with the intention to return, or a person registered under the Indian Act of Canada.  

3. Have the capability to  give for the  introductory  requirements of the dependent child.  

4. Be able to prove your relationship to your child.

5. Not have a criminal record, be imprisoned, charged with a serious offense, or bankrupt.

6. Not be in default of a previous sponsorship undertaking or under immigration investigation.

7. Not be receiving income assistance, except for reasons of disability.

For a kid to be eligible for sponsorship so they must be considered a dependent and meet the following criteria:

1. They must be the biological or adopted child of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

2. They must not be married or in a common law relationship in Canada.

3. They must be under age of 22. 

A kid over the age of 22 may still qualify as a dependent if they meet two conditions:

1. They've a internal and physical condition that prevents them from supporting themselves.

2. They've depended on their parents for fiscal support since before age of 22.

Dependent children must remain unmarried and not be in a common-law relationship throughout the processing period until they become permanent residents. Moreover if a dependent child is divorced, widowed, or their marriage has been breaking up, or/and if they are no longer in a common law relationship at time of application so they are still considered a dependent child.

A dependent child can be either a biological kid or an adopted child. In the case of assisted human reproduction technologies, suitable documents such as birth certificates or authorized evidence can be used to establish the parent-child relationship.

If a child is born from a surrogacy agreement in a foreign country and legally recognized as the kid of sponsor or their partner in that country. They may also be considered a "biological kid" if there is a genetic parent child relationship.

The age of a dependent child is determined at the time of receipt of the principal applicant's complete permanent residence application. Even if a child turns 22 during the processing of the application so they will still be considered a dependent child as long as they remain unmarried and not in a common law relationship when permanent residence is confirmed.

If a child is subject to custody orders so then applicant must provide proof of permission to remove the child from the foreign country they currently reside in. Written consent from the parent or could be guardian overseas is required for the kid to travel to Canada for the purpose of becoming a permanent resident. In cases where consent is not provided so a court order can be acceptable.

If the parents share custody of the child Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada IRCC must obtain written confirmation from the other parent that they have no objection to the kid being processed for permanent residence in Canada.

These requirements ensure compliance with custodial orders and foreign laws. In Canada, the best interest of the child is the primary consideration in custody arrangements. Therefore, an IRCC officer must assess the circumstances of each case and exercise sound judgment when deciding whether to process an application to sponsor a dependent child in the absence of written confirmation from the other parent.

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